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The National Carnival Commission's 666 Subliminal Logo is Representative of How Low They Go While Promoting the Devil's Feast of Carnival

Author: Rudy Kendall

With this being our first article of the Gregorian new year, it is quite appropriate that we shift into a new gear. With the Handpan Mafia in full retreat mode and no further Satanic Handpan subjects in sight as of the moment, we would like to turn our wide steelpan spectacles towards the Mecca in order to make some sense out of all of the madness and scandal surrounding PanTrinbago and the fact that thousands of pannists who performed in Panorama 2016 have yet to be paid checks that will not bounce. Although the individual performance fees only amount to $150 (USD), when you multiply this amount by the thousands of pannists who are awaiting payment, one quickly realizes that the Devil is in the details. 


Revelation 13 (KJV)

18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


The National Carnival Commission's 666 Subliminal Logo

For good measure, satanic logos as they relate to the steelpan are nothing new as in the recent past, we published an article entitled, ''Panyard Inc., an Apartheid, Demon- Possessed, Parasitic Patriarch of the International Pan Market'', and uncovered a rotary sun wheel with 6 spokes in the Panyard Inc. logo. As NCC is the oversight body for Pan Trinbago, an organization that bills itself as ''The World Governing Body For Steelpan'', it is clear that corruption flows from the top down. 

As we do not believe in coincidences, it does not strike us as coincidental in the least that Keith Diaz, President of Pan Trinbago and the central figure in the latest scandal surrounding the organization is also a Commissioner of the NCC.


NCC Board: Minister of Community Development, Culture and the Arts, Dr. The Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly (seated 2nd from left) takes a group shot after presenting newly-appointed NCC Chairman, Kenneth De Silva (2nd from left standing), and the new Board of Commissioners – (from left)Deputy Chairman, Ainsworth Mohammed, Pan Trinbago President, Keith Diaz, NCC Commissioner Darian Marcelle (2nd from right), NCC Commissioner Sharmaine Singh (seated far left), and NCC Commissioner Jacqueline Springer-Dillon (seated far right)with their official instruments of appointment.

Sharing the moment are Permanent Secretaries Victor Jones (4th from left) and Vidiah Ramkhelawan (seated, 2nd from right); as well as NCC Chief Executive Officer, Michael Guyadeen (far right).

(Missing from photo: TUCO President Lutalo Masimba, NCC Commissioner Arshaad K. Ali.)



Carnival is a Carnal Affair and a Feast of Devils Who Come From Far and Near

What do Carnival, saltfish, chitlins and hog maw have in common? They all happen to be remnants of slavery that negroes in the western hemisphere are unwilling to rebuke as the colonial traditions that they are, firmly rooted in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Despite the numerous promotional campaigns and an entire tourist industry which is geared towards promoting Carnival, Trinidad is definitely not the home of Carnival as one may be led to believe, since Carnival as we know it is a decadent European custom that the former slaves (Israelites) in the Caribbean are unwilling to relinquish. 

In Trinidad, Carnival is a central theme of the tourist industry, and the Trinidad & Tobago Parliament established the NCC with the sole purpose of selling Trinidad as a decadent destination of debauchery, degenerate behavior and demon conjuring during Carnival. 

Matthew 10 (KJV)

5These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

1 Corinthians 10:20 (KJV)

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.



Here is a NCC promotional ad, which takes on an entirely new meaning given of the proof of their subliminal Mark of the Beast logo:



The bright, blood red color usage in the word ''Carnal'' above is accentuated exquisitely by the smearing of the letters, as if smeared in blood. Complete with complementary claw marks coupled together to add an underlying effect, the National Carnival Commission confirms exactly what we have known about Carnival all along. 


In order that there is no confusion among our readers who may be baffled by reading this article, allow us to present Trinidad Carnival according to the National Carnival Commission (NCC):

Given the overwhelming evidence we have presented above, is it surprising that the rank and file pannists who performed in Panorama 2016 have been left holding bouncing Pan Trinbago checks, while the outlook of steelpan in the Mecca looks increasingly dim? We dare say that when the Devil is in the details as in this particularly sad steelpan situation, it is best to read the fine print! 


Peter Tosh - ''Mark Of The Beast" 

I see the mark of the beast on their ugly faces
I see them congregating in evil places

me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked
Babylon, me said me know them a wicked

what have I done to be incriminated
what have I done to be humiliated

me said me know unnu wicked, babylon
me said me know unnu wicked
me said me know unnu wicked, babylon
me said me know unnu wicked

So you can go on, go frame I fi smoke ganja
'cause I know unnu deh ya fi capture

me said me know them a wicked,
me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked, watch them
me said me know them a wicked

they make pledges to destroy even their mother
so you can imagine
what he would do to my brother

me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked, don't have no mercy
me said me know them a wicked, brutalise
me said me know them a wicked

what have I done to be convicted
what have I got to be coveted?

me said me know them a wicked, babylon
me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked, them don't have no mercy
me said me know them a wicked

I am so careful of them smiling faces
'cause underneath them are some evil traces

me said me know them a wicked, Babylon me seh
me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked

me said me know them a wicked, babylon
me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked,
me said me know them a wicked

lightning me said me know them a wicked
me said me know them a wicked
me said...







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